Sunday, November 23, 2014

The end

     This amazing journey is about to conclude.  I have to said thanks for the views and for reading my posts. I love this adventure that creating our blogger. Here I feel free to write all my opinions and though. I learn to correct my grammar and analyze more the meaning of writing and how this can help me in life. I find information from several interesting and important issues in society such as war, life, dead, marriage and religion. I invite you to create your own blog and post any theme that you would like to talk. 

      I hope you enjoy my readings, feel free to comment and leave your opinion. Peace and have a nice day! 

-Be thankful for what you have; you will end having more. If you concentrate on what you dont have, you will never, ever have enough. -Oprah Winfrey 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The world: 4 elements

     The world is the habitat for all animals species. This is common name for the whole of human civilization. The world is compose by 4 elements: fire, water, earth, wind. The earth represents sand, habitat, protection and power to the humans and animals. The water is a common need for humans. The most beautiful things in the world are compose by water like the waterfalls, ocean, rivers and lakes.
    The wind represent the oxygen and the life for all animals in earth. The fire represents the heat, the calm and the evil. Why the evil? In most of the religions their compare the fire with the devil. This means that the majority of the people have the same thought.
I compare the world with the four elements because they summarize the full life in four parts. In the world you can find the good and the evil, but is a magnificent place to live.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or even touched, they must be feel in the heart. 
-Helen Keller

Sunday, November 9, 2014


      The education is something fundamental in life. Since you are born you are seeing the art of teaching. Teaching is the ability to do something that is taught. What is education? According to Mariam Webster is the act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit.

     All countries in the world has schools and universities to educate people. The number one country educating around the world is Finland. Education is not only teaching important material, it can be matters or way of life. Everybody in the world should be educated, that can help with the global problems and obtain the world peace.   

Sunday, November 2, 2014


     Shooter is an action movie. Mark Wahlberg is the protagonist as kwon Bob Swagger. Bob Swagger reluctantly leaves a self-imposed exile from his isolated mountain home at the request of Colonel Isaac Johnson, who appeals to him to help track down an assassin who is planning to shoot the president. Johnson gives him a list of three cities where the President is scheduled to visit and Swagger assesses a site in Philadelphia. This turns into a set up. A police shot swagger, but he escapes. Now he has to demonstrate to the jury that he is innocent and was a trap.

     Shooter is the type of movie for a military freak or for persons that like actions movies. This movie was nominated for the Taurus award, but didn’t win. It’s a great movie I recommend to see it. Has a great drama and is not recommended that kids see this movie for the type of action. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg is my favorite celebrity. He has a very impacting story. Mark Wahlberg was born on June 5, 1971, in Dorchester, Mass; Mark Wahlberg grew up the youngest of nine children. At 14, Wahlberg dropped out of school and began making his living on the streets—hustling, stealing, and selling drugs. Two years later, he hit rock bottom when he was jailed for his role in the savage beating of a Vietnamese man. After a 45-day jail term at 16, Wahlberg turned his life around via the music world with the help of his brother Donnie, a member of New Kids on the Block. Wahlberg transformed from rapper to Hollywood actor and never looked back, starring in films such as Boogie Nights and Three Kings.

This guy motivates me. He is a good role model for having a criminal life changed completely to be good and a Good Samaritan. I love the way he acts in the movies. My favorite types of movies are the actions, and if you want to see a good one you have to se Mark Wahlberg movies. One of his best movies is “Shooter” and “Lone Survivor”.

Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg. (2014). The website. Retrieved 07:14, Oct 25, 2014, from

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The media social problem

     The media have existed in world since the 20-century.  The media can be defined like all the electronic things that can be used for communication. It’s natural in humans to communicate them one to another. They have commenced creating different artifacts that can facilitate the communication. They created the television, cellphones, computers, radio and satellites. These types of artifacts are called media. One of the biggest inventions of all history is the Internet. This change the hole world, with the Internet the people can communicate themselves from millions of miles, or from a country to another. Not only you can talk to them or write, now you can talk with video chat and know what the people are doing and investigate more easily. This media are carrying the world to a whole new thing.

     I think that the excess of media and the use of all this artifacts are ruing the entire world. In the past the people were more responsible and more “humans” now they only want the control of everything in life. It can be used in good form, but it is used on bad way for power and control. The humans now are more ambitious and careless; they only want the money and feel in the top. Its my opinion feel free to comment your opinion about the bad use that “we” are using with the media and the internet. 

        "The language and the communication is the only power that can change nature." 