Sunday, September 28, 2014


     Every nation wants to acquire the power to control the world. The most nations try to control the world through war. According to experts, the main reasons or factors that contribute to wars are human greed for wealth and intolerance towards the other. Many world leaders in fact believe that the main reason America invaded Iraq was for its oil wealth. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians as well as American and Iraqi soldiers have been killed, injured or maimed. During the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s, there were more than 1 million casualty figures with millions injured. The attack on the American World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001 killed close to three thousand people and the subsequent reprisal on Afghanistan by American forces killed thousands of people in that country. World War 1 and World 11 combined have claimed millions of lives and in the African continent, tribal wars and regional wars continue to occur.

     They are other ways to solve conflict. War can make a nation go to bankrupt and kill millions of people. Humans are supposed to be pacific and thoughtful beings not animals that are killing to be on top of the food chain. “In time of peace, prepare for war”. 

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