Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg is my favorite celebrity. He has a very impacting story. Mark Wahlberg was born on June 5, 1971, in Dorchester, Mass; Mark Wahlberg grew up the youngest of nine children. At 14, Wahlberg dropped out of school and began making his living on the streets—hustling, stealing, and selling drugs. Two years later, he hit rock bottom when he was jailed for his role in the savage beating of a Vietnamese man. After a 45-day jail term at 16, Wahlberg turned his life around via the music world with the help of his brother Donnie, a member of New Kids on the Block. Wahlberg transformed from rapper to Hollywood actor and never looked back, starring in films such as Boogie Nights and Three Kings.

This guy motivates me. He is a good role model for having a criminal life changed completely to be good and a Good Samaritan. I love the way he acts in the movies. My favorite types of movies are the actions, and if you want to see a good one you have to se Mark Wahlberg movies. One of his best movies is “Shooter” and “Lone Survivor”.

Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg. (2014). The website. Retrieved 07:14, Oct 25, 2014, from

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