Sunday, October 19, 2014

The media social problem

     The media have existed in world since the 20-century.  The media can be defined like all the electronic things that can be used for communication. It’s natural in humans to communicate them one to another. They have commenced creating different artifacts that can facilitate the communication. They created the television, cellphones, computers, radio and satellites. These types of artifacts are called media. One of the biggest inventions of all history is the Internet. This change the hole world, with the Internet the people can communicate themselves from millions of miles, or from a country to another. Not only you can talk to them or write, now you can talk with video chat and know what the people are doing and investigate more easily. This media are carrying the world to a whole new thing.

     I think that the excess of media and the use of all this artifacts are ruing the entire world. In the past the people were more responsible and more “humans” now they only want the control of everything in life. It can be used in good form, but it is used on bad way for power and control. The humans now are more ambitious and careless; they only want the money and feel in the top. Its my opinion feel free to comment your opinion about the bad use that “we” are using with the media and the internet. 

        "The language and the communication is the only power that can change nature." 

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